Directly Investing In People

Investing is a way to set aside money while you are busy with life and have your money go to work for you so that you can fully reap the rewards of your labor in the future. Investing is a means to a happier ending. Click Here to learn more on how to invest.

Some Of What We Do

Retirement Plans

Gone are the days when workers could count on an employee pension plan and Social Security to cover their costs during the golden years. Today, pensions are a rarity and Social Security isn’t a slam-dunk for future generations. Now Is The Time To Start Planning!

Impact Investing

Fulfilling God’s Great Commission, by investing in the lives of at-risk children, youth, and their families to develop mature, responsible followers of the Infinite Creator. To a child, the understanding that someone has a vested interest in their well-being is priceless. They Are The Future!

Estate Planning

Designating who will receive your assets and handle your responsibilities after your death or incapacitation. One goal is to ensure beneficiaries receive assets in a way that minimizes estate tax, gift tax, income tax, and other taxes. More Importantly Family Problems!

How it Works

Our Approach

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Portfolio Management

Portfolio risk management involves processes to identify, assess, measure, and manage risk within the portfolio and is focused on events that could negatively impact the accomplishment of strategic objectives. Having A Keen Eye On Things!


Strategic Alliances

Focused on investing in companies with strong underlying potential.,  We are proud to partner with management teams and investors to grow businesses, improve performance and create sustainable value for all our stakeholders. Iron Sharpens Iron!


Mergers & Acquisitions

From portfolio transformation, mergers, and acquisitions (M&A), to divestments, we help you determine the right strategic course to create better value for your business. This can be done by implementing our M&A framework. It Saves Time & Tons Of Money!

Financial Resources To Your Questions

Investing seems complicated. How do I get started?

The first step is to determine what you want to achieve with your investment, whether it’s in the short-term or long-term. Next, you should think about how hands-on you want to be with your investment. There’s no wrong answer to this. “Ask yourself, ‘Do I want to get into the nitty-gritty, evaluating multiple investments, and agree to do that regularly? Or would I rather set it and forget it?’”

Why is risk tolerance important, & how can I figure out what mine is?

You can help gain a more quantifiable measure of your risk tolerance by taking quizzes to help you figure out whether you’ve got a more aggressive or conservative mindset. Just remember that your time horizon will also be pivotal when figuring out how much risk to take on. It is commonly known, that the closer you are to needing the money, the more likely you should consider shifting to conservative investments.

I keep hearing it’s crucial to be diversified. Why?

In a nutshell, diversification means you don’t have all your eggs in one investment basket, which may help protect you if any part of your portfolio falters. For example, if you invest in just one company whose stock goes bust, then your portfolio will go bust. “If I own 2,000 companies in my portfolio, and 10% go bankrupt, I’m still going to be fine,” Blaylock says. “For me, it comes down to the law of large numbers. I’d rather own small pieces of 2,000 companies than 100% of one company.”

What type of retirement account should I have?

This will depend entirely on your investing goals, income level, employment status, and tax situation. But consider opening a retirement account as your first order of business because retirement savings are generally described as one of the pillars of financial security. And if your employer matches contributions to a 401(k), be sure to take advantage of that match—it’s essentially free money! If your company doesn’t offer this perk, you may want to consider a traditional or Roth IRA.

Why should I prioritize retirement over non-retirement investing?

The reason is simple: Many of us have paltry nest eggs—36% of people have less than $1,000 stashed away for retirement. “We’ll all retire someday, but most of us are under-saved for it,” Blaylock says. And given the modern life span, you could expect to live about 30 years as a retired person. Think about your expenses each year, multiply that by decades—and you’ll start to conceptualize just what a tremendous savings goal retirement is.

How often should I check my portfolio?

It all depends—on you. Maybe you get joy from watching the numbers go up or perhaps the ups and downs seriously stress you out. “The frequency is less important than having a set schedule,” Blaylock says. Winkler suggests twice a year, or even once a year may be fine if you’re fairly comfortable with how your portfolio is performing.

How else can investing affect my taxes?

Retirement accounts are generally either tax-free or pre-tax, Blaylock says. Traditional IRAs and 401(k)s are pre-tax because they provide a tax break in the year that you make the contribution by reducing your taxable income. So if you make $50,000 per year, and contribute $5,000 to one of these accounts, you’d only be taxed as if you’d made $45,000. However, your withdrawals will be taxed later as ordinary income.


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